Sunday, March 14, 2010

Buy a Tea, Plant a Tree!

My other other passion is seeing the shift in conscious consumerism. I will be posting and afilliating myself with companies that I believe in. It is so hard in this day and age to do all the right things. There is always someone there with their hand out. Even if you want to do the right thing, there are companies that will tell you they are conscious when they are "green-washing" their image.
I tend to do more research than most when it comes to herbal, body care/skin care because it is my other other other passion... so to honor these companies, there will be a post every day on the ones that I love for one reason or another.
Today I am posting a link to "The Art of Tea"  a company that has been awarded by the World Tea Expo, Tea Association of America and Specialty Tea Institute the 1st and 2nd place award for the Best Tea in America. They are conscious about Fair Trade and USDA organics. Thats all great, but the part I love is giving back to the planet, replacing what you have taken from the Earth.
Here is a great promotion. Get some great tea and do your part in taking care of our Mother.

1 comment:

ahnn said...

A very good and sincere campaign. It's really a good thing that still some people who truly cares.

Speciality Tea